How the ANC is destroying South Africa.
(Dissident blog.)

Tuesday, 3 December 2013

Farm attacks are normal... because they're hungry

Almost beaten to death for his dentures

Farm attackers (there's a term for them here - even though you can't actually attack a farm) almost beat a man to death close to Zeerust for his dentures, a cell phone and a shovel.

Stephen Joubert (61)

If it weren't for the fact that the attackers' pistol failed to fire a few times, Stephen Joubert (61) would've been dead. Due to his injuries and the loss of his dentures, he couldn't convey the details of the attack close to the pig sties on the farm, Vaalkop .


There was gold in the dentures.


Mariëtte van der Westhuizen said that her husband, Pieter, had to go to Johannesburg Friday evening. (29 November 2013). Pieter asked Joubert to feed the pigs. Joubert also lives on the van der Westhuizen's farm and is a partner in their safari-company.


Joubert went to the pig sties which are about 2km from the house on a motorbike. At around 20:45, Mariëtte started getting worried about Joubert and went to look for him with a torch, pistol and 5 vicious dogs.


“His hands were tied so tightly with wire that they were swollen and almost black. They kicked him, jumped on him and hit him with a shovel.”


The attackers demanded that Joubert give them his dentures when they spotted a bit of gold in them. He sustained various stab wounds to his head and eventually fainted.


The doctor who tended to him in hospital said that if he remained tied for a bit longer, he would've lost his hands and feet due to impaired blood flow.


Basically, there would've been another cross at the 'white cross monument' in Ysterberg close to Polokwane if their pistol worked. So Stephen is just another 'lucky one' who got away with his life.


Tell me people : if your booty is a set of dentures, a shovel and a cell phone, do you need to do this to someone? Do you need to shoot him? I'm sure if you pointed a gun at me and asked for my dentures, my cell phone and a shovel, I would've given it to you without much of a fuss.











  (while they're sitting in their multi-million rand houses, stuffing themselves with the food the farmers produce every day)

Tuesday, 26 November 2013

ZimBOBwe , here we come...

BREAKING NEWS: Editor Arrested For Publishing Photos Of Nkandla

In an attempt to assert its stance over the recent security mayhem prohibiting any media from publishing pictures of Jacob Zuma's Nkandla homestead, this morning Police Minister Nathi Mthethwa , under the instruction of State Security Minister Siyabonga Cwele , issued a warrant of arrest against City Press editor, Ferial Haffajee .

News of Haffajee's arrest, reminiscent to acts executed during the old apartheid regime, has send waves of shock, anger and disbelief across news rooms, with SANEF deeming it as illegal and downright unconstitutional.

“In a country that presents itself as liberal and democratic, a country where the right to information and freedom of speech is enshrined on its constitution, this happens? Is this Zimbabwe where journalists are arrested for writing truths about their pathetic government? This is shocking beyond measurable proportions, ” said one unpleasantly surprised SANEF member.

Sources close to the situation claims that the men in blue “just rocked up” and disrupted an editorial meeting held earlier on between Haffajee and her team.

One journalist, who wished to remain anonymous out of fear of following her boss lady to the docks, claims the police ambushed Ferial like the most wanted jail bird without as much as reading out what her charges where.

“It was like watching an episode of Molo Fish… We just stood there in total awe… The government is really desperate in trying to silence the media. Tax payers money was used to pay for Nkandla and covering such is in the interest of the public, not a security breach. We can't even write about what just happened without risking going to jail,” lamented the distressed and fearful journalist.

According to a statement released just moments ago by the State Security Office, the arrest of City Press' editor is one of many to follow.

“…we unequivocally want to send a very strong message to members of the media who have blatantly and arrogantly ignored the state security's call to stop publishing pictures of the honorable president, Jacob Gedleyihlekisa Zuma's private residence, failing which WILL result in a federal offense punishable before the court of law..,” the statement read in part.

“We also appeal to residents of the republic to report anyone seen publishing such on social media platforms, as this is an offense under National Key Points Act…. We intend on taking appropriate legal measures to ensure that all culprits are brought to book…,” the statement further alluded.

Siyabonga Cwele added that it was the security cluster's constitutional mandate to protect national security and the security of the president. “We will continue to do that (and) we are not going to outsource our function to protect the president,” he said.

Ferial Haffajee's arrest comes amidst the controversial Protection of Information Bill, which, to a large extend, will see government's [unwritten] self-enrichment policy come to pass without fear of ever being exposed. To add salt to injury, ANC's Jackson Mthembu , who did not mince his words when probed for comment, welcomed and celebrated the news.

“Let this be a lesson to publications that are hell-bent on destroying the reputation of the ruling party. I am unashamedly rejoicing, and a track from my soon to be released single, “Don't buy City Press – Don't buy!”, will be blasting on repeat.

“We are tired of these women trying to wear men pants. Thuli Mandonsela should follow suit…” said the visibly excited Mthembu .

The past two weeks has seen a war of words between the security cluster and Public Protector Thuli Madonsela , where the government approached the courts for an interdict to stop the release of her Nkandla report. The court action was later withdrawn as the cluster did not “have any appetite for running in and out of courts”.

Presidential spokesperson, Mac Maharaj, could not be reached for comment.





You know, what pisses me off the most of these African 'BIG MEN' is that they suffer from ridiculously inflated egos .

Like Julius Malema who was going to take on Twitter, Facebook and Google...

Nathi SeTETman, what are you gonna do? You going to start invading the US and UK and start confiscating pictures of Nkandla? To protect you ' honourable ' fucknut of a president?

You ain't gonna stop the internet, you imbeciles... You got the ' freeDOM ' you wanted, now deal with it.

Just another FUCK YOU to Zuma :

Thursday, 17 October 2013

Farm murders and black on white attacks - October 2013

These are just the murders and attacks on White South Africans that I found on Beeld's news page for the last 3-4 weeks.

Strange that Beeld completely disregarded the Red October campaign, but they probably know how many racially motivated hate crimes and murders take place every day. I'm sure they don't publish even half of the stories.

For a more accurate account of black on white murders, please visit:

Or for a list of black on white murders from Jan - Oct 2013 compiled by Adriana Stuijt , please visit:

The number of whites murdered in HATE CRIMES from the beginning of the year is 138. These are not farm attacks, but MURDERS.

So, I'll pick up where she left off:

The last month (reported on

17 October 2013

60-year old murdered in townhouse, Bloemfontein, throat slit, nothing stolen.

16 October 2013

David (87) en Ralie de Villiers (86) murdered on farm in Barkly-East, Eastern Cape, throats slit, nothing stolen. Their son is fighting for his life after his throat was slit half way.


15 October 2013

Frans van der Schyff (76) and his wife Hennie (73) murdered on their farm close to Klerksdorp, head injuries.


13 October 2013

Gert de Beer (82) beaten to death on his farm close to Witrivier. TV and cell phones stolen.


11 October 2013

Deon Bezuidenhout (68) murdered in his house in Garsfontein, some items stolen.


10 October 2013

Prof. Daan Wybenga (69) tortured and murdered on his farm in Clarens. Tortured with boiling water, beaten over the head and smothered with plastic bag. Car and cell phone stolen.


7 October 2013

Danie and Maud Human attacked on small holding. Trainee burglar cries and tells couple he doesn't want to do this. One of the 7 men hit the 5 year old boy in the back and said: “F*** ng white cry babies.” Maud repeatedly hit between legs. Luckily no one was murdered.


7 October 2013

Heavily pregnant woman (32) and her business colleague (23) raped in guest house in Hazyview. Items stolen.


5 October 2013

Almarie Marais (23) beaten by random pedestrian in township while riding her scooter, eye bursts.


4 October 2013

Paul Mason (63) shot dead on his farm close to Sabie. Laptops, cell phones and cash stolen.


27 September 2013

Hans Jonker (in his 50's) shot dead in his house in Brakpan. Cell phone and broken DVD player stolen.



Click here to see how the media hides the rest of the murders

Julius Malema

Dear Juliass ...

I'm happy that you've finally dropped the cANCer and started your own party. This might give the ANC some much needed competition and would mean that they can't just push everything through parliament.

There's just a few things that I would like to bring to your attention as I assume that mathematics and history are not your strong points (neither was woodwork, apparently).

Revolution :

Now we all know that Che was one cool motherfucker. Hell, I had a T-shirt with his face on. My friend still has a poster of him in his house.

On a visit to Perth in 2006, I waited for a friend of mine at the University of Notre Dame in Fremantle and picked up the Uni newspaper. I found a very interesting article in the newspaper. Some student decided that he would do a survey. He asked every person in Perth he encountered who wore a Che  Guevara T-shirt who Che was and where he came from. Something like 90% of the people couldn't tell him.

I personally wore a Che T-shirt because Rage Against the Machine made it famous. So, yeah, if the guy asked me who Che was, I wouldn't have been able to tell him. I knew he had something to do with Cuba. But I certainly didn't know that he came from Argentina and that he was a qualified medical doctor.

I wonder if you know?

I do like your new style, though. You look the shit. And the berets, well, you've got something going there. I wonder if you have a hand in the pie of the company who sells them?

I assume that you know that Che Guevara was executed and had his hands amputated and sent to Argentina to verify his fingerprints. His watch was also taken.

Just make sure you keep your Breitling in a secure place.

Later in my life, when I came to the realization that although Rage Against the Machine made awesome music, Marxism doesn't work and has been a failure everywhere, I bought a different T-shirt, which makes more sense. It looks like this :

Now, with your limited intelligence, I don't know if you'll understand what the picture is trying to convey, so I'll explain it to you.


You see the 'R' of Revolution and the 'Star' on the beret are both red?


If you take the red out of the picture, you'll notice that the picture now only has a monkey with a beret and the word: Evolution under it.


Basically, if you give a monkey a badge, they'll try to start a revolution.


It is also a part of Evolution for monkeys to start Revolutions. Capicé ?


It's awesome that you would like to help your fellow uneducated and underprivileged black brothers in South Africa to gain economic freedom. I just think that you need to make a few adjustments to your plans and I have done a few calculations to help you, seeing as your math skills are obviously a bit lacking:


Commercial Agriculture:

South Africa's staple food is pap. Pap is made from maize, or mielies as we know them. I'm sure your supporters all eat Pap. I don't know about you, because you've always seemed to be rolling in money, so maybe you eat out most of the time.


Mielies are grown on fertile, agricultural land by commercial farmers. In South Africa, most of these farmers are white. You don't like the fact that they are white - you've said it quite a few times.


I don't know if you've noticed that, after all the propaganda on SABC news, they usually show commodity prices. This includes the price of mielies per ton. Now, dear Julius, a ton of mielies is a fuckload of mielies. It won't fit in your Range Rover.


At the moment, the price of mielies is around R2300 per ton. That may seem like a lot of money, but you have to remember that you need to buy the seed, you have to pay workers, you have to pay diesel and interest on your loans, accountants, vehicles, tractors and.... tax.


So, let's say for argument's sake that you can produce a ton of mielies for R1150 (I'm sure it's way more than that, but let's keep it simple for you). So, your profit will be?

R1150, that's right, Juliass .


Now, South Africa has a total area of 1221037 km2. It sounds like a lot, doesn't it? But Juliass , you have to remember that most of South Africa is semi-desert. I don't know if you've heard of the Karoo or the Kalahari, but basically if a place is semi-desert, you can't grow plants there.


12% of South Africa's land is arable (this means that you can grow shit on it). So, all in all, only 146524 km2 of South Africa can be used to grow crops. This translates to 14652444 hectares. Now, a hectare is 100m X 100m.


Juliass , you say that you want to divide all the land between all the people of South Africa. So, I guess it includes whites, coloureds and indians as well. We have a population of 36 670 471 people above the age of 15.


So Juliass , if we divide the arable (remember what that means?) land between these people, each person will have 0.004km2 of land. That is 0.4 hectares per person. This is 4000m2 per person. About 64m X 64m.


So, now that everybody in South Africa has a piece of land, we still need to eat our pap. So we still need mielies . But that's no problem, is it Juliass ?


You see, the average yield per hectare of irrigated (that's when you give the plants water) land is 8.6 tons of mielies . This is if you use the soil properly and let pieces of it stand for a year or two, put fertilizer in the soil etc. So, you have to know what you're doing. You also need to buy proper seeds. You can't just use the seeds from your last mielie batch. But I'm sure you'll educate everybody who gets land on these trivial matters, right?


So, if you get 8.6 tons per hectare on your 0.4 hectare piece of land, you'll get 3.44 tons of mielies per year. Remember we worked out how much profit you make on a ton of mielies , Juliass ? It's R1150.


So now every person gets a total of R3956 PER YEAR from their patch of land. This is if they didn't sit under a tree drinking the whole year and put effort into their crops.


This works out at a profit of R329 per month. But remember, Juliass , you also won't get the money every week, like the white boss used to pay you. You'll have to borrow the money at the beginning of the year and then pay off the debt plus interest until you receive your R3956 at the end of the year.


It sounds great, this having land thing, ne?


Blatant Racism :


I don't know it you know about it, Juliass , but your EFFIE members had a banner at your party's launch which says: "A revolutionary must become a cold killing machine motivated by pure hate."


Maybe you should have a chat with these guys, because this doesn't seem like a good message to be sending out to the population and the rest of the world.


Apparently there were also posters that read: "Honeymoon is over for white people in South Africa" and "we need to kill them like they killed us".


You also ended your speech by singing: "Kill the Boer", which I think isn't a very good idea.


You see, Juliass, the world is watching us. And South Africa needs foreign investors to grow our economy. They don't like investing in countries where people with political clout openly call for the genocide of a minority.


The other thing I'd like to talk to you about (and I'll do that in the next lesson, because I know you have problems paying attention in class) is international rating agencies.


You see, contrary to popular belief, the tax that SARS collects every year pays off loans (installments - like you pay for your cell phone). The loans have interest. And the interest is calculated on the basis of the risk that the people who give us the money think we have of not paying back the money.


Your brothers at Marikana managed to get all the rating agencies to downgrade South Africa when they smeared themselves with muti that made them invincible and charged the police with machetes and spears.


If I were you I'd have a nice little chat with them and try and explain to them that if they do something like that again, we'll be downgraded even further and they'll end up paying more for their KFC and pap.


Kind Regards,

A concerned potential EFF voter

Red October

Wiehan Botes

When I started this blog I was angry. I was BEFOK. A 5 month old baby was just strangled in Delmas and when whites came together and protested about the violence against whites, the whole establishment callled them racist. The DA even jumped on the band wagon.

Afrikaner babies slaughtered in South African genocidelabelled racist white genocide blacks africans

Apparently, it's racist to protest when a 5-month old baby gets strangled for a cell phone by a black who obviously hates white people.

We should be concerned about all crime in South Africa, not just crimes against the minority of whites.

Why can we not voice our concerns when our babies are strangled? Why the fuck is that racist?

If a white man kills a black person in South Africa, they come out in their numbers to protest against the racist whites. Remember the white boy who went nuts in a squatter camp in Swartruggens a while ago? Media outcries the world over.

And who can ever forget the famous picture of Hector Pieterson, which we'll see until the end of time? It's the double standards that make me so angry. You won't ever have seen this picture of Wiehan again.

But this picture, my dear friends - this picture made front pages all over the world.

I'm sure the photographer also still lives off the royalties, because he won endless awards for capturing the true 'crime against humanity' that Apartheid was.

Helen & Alice Lotter

Mrs Helen Lotter, 57, and her bedridden mother Alice, 76.  Tortured to death with broken beer bottles in their anuses and vaginas – the attack had been so horrendous that the post-mortem examiner was unable to find any of Helen Lotter's sexual organs at all; her breasts were partially cut off and broken bottle-shards were inserted in her vagina and anus as part of the hours of torture she and her mother Alice had endured –her cervix and uterus were completely shredded.

The mother's front teeth were bashed out; her entire body was ‘covered in bruises, chafing and stabbing wounds. Her sexual parts were mutilated extensively also internally.  The old farm woman had died due to ‘asphyxiation after breathing in blood from penetrating stabbing wounds in her neck and throat'.  They were then both left to die.

Mrs Helen Lotter's death-bed confession identified the killers as a gardener, Joseph Hlongwane, 22 who had only started working for them a few months earlier, and an associate Joseph Khumalo, 21.  The forensic DNA and fingerprint evidence confirmed Helen Lotter's death-bed confession. “Kill the Boer” had been daubed in the women's blood on the farmhouse walls.

And what happened when white people took to the streets in the town where the court procedings took place?

ANC mayor, Mrs Mataba Leeto led an anti-Boer protest at the law court where the trial was held.  They chanted genocidal hate-speech songs such as   ‘Kill the Boer, kill the Farmer' in support of the two killers'   getting bail.   Mrs Leeto has not been put on public record as expressing any kind of sympathy nor outrage over the way the two Lotter women had been tortured to death.   Instead, she led a group which was protesting against the ‘racism' of local Afrikaner residents who had held a ‘re-enactment' of the way in which the women were tortured to death to illustrate the community's deep anger. Both men were found guilty and sent to prison.

Red October

So, today, white South Africans and whites all over the world, who can see what is happening here took to the streets peacefully and tried to bring the white genocide in the making to the world's attention.



And what response do we get? Can anyone guess? The card they always pull? C'mon...

We're racists. The lot of us. We're stupid, we're backward, Apartheid sympathizers. Crime knows no color in South Africa. We all suffer, not just you...




I've said this many, many times before: There is a difference between one drunk black guy killing another drunk black guy with a knife in a shebeen because the guy stole his beer and RAPING, TORTURING AND DISEMBOWLING A FARMER'S FAMILY without stealing anything.




The Press and Social Media

What pissed me off most about today is how the media ridiculed the Red October marchers.


Beeld, which is supposed to be an Afrikaans news paper had NOTHING on their website about the marches. Probably shit scared to be called racist .



Ironic that there are two articles about black on white murders on the frontpage , though. One of a farmer's wife murdered yesterday. BUT THERE'S NO FUCKING PROBLEM. We're just racists.


Eye witness news, which we all know is a puppet of the DA had the following to say:


They went on to post only tweets that OPPOSED the march:



News 24 published the following :



I won't even bother posting the comments. I need to calm down first. Most accuse the marchers of being 'racist', having 'Apartheid nostalgia', being 'insane'.


A lot of them also tell whites to just get out of the country if it's so bad.


I tell you what, just go the Idi Amin route, I beg you. Give us 2 weeks to get out of the country, so we can get asylum in a country that doesn't openly accuse whites of being murderers and rapists and thieves, sing songs that incite white genocide and brush aside concerns that our commercial farmers are being exterminated.


To the South African media:   A NICE BIG FUCK YOU.   I'm sure all of you live in nice triple secured complexes with video camera's electric fences and security gaurds .
I know you won't, but maybe one day you'll sit and eat a Woolies muffin and wonder where the wheat and other shit inside that muffin comes from. Maybe you'll realize that the price of your Woolies muffin has strangely gone up by about 500%.
Maybe, you'll stop to consider why. Maybe, you'll realize that South Africa now imports more food than it ever has in its history. Maybe you'll realize that there are no more white farmers left in South Africa.


But the conglomerate Naspers, which you all bow to, a product of the Broederbond , is luckily busy diversifying and buying up every sencond business overseas, so when the Woolies muffins get too expensive, you'll get a job overseas and forget all about the slaughtered farmers.

But, hey, for now, we'll worry more about the Rhinos. Strangely the majority WHITE RHINOS.


 Go on, keep voting for the ANC

Under Jacob 'showerhead' Zuma , we've slid from number 45 out of 134 countries to number 53 out of 148 countries on the Global Competitiveness index.

2008 Report

2013 Report

It doesn't sound too bad until you look at the 'individual pillars' of competitiveness.

2008 Report

2013 Report


The Good News:

It's not all doom and gloom. But the good news is not BECAUSE of the ANC, but DESPITE the ANC. Our financial institutions are world class. In fact the banks that ' ol Juliass ' EFFIES want to nationalize, managed to go up to the 3rd place. YES, our banks are the 3rd best in the world, people.

We also rank 1st out of 148 countries for the following:

•  Strength of auditing and reporting standards 

•  Efficacy of corporate boards  

•  Protection of minority shareholders ' interests  

•  Regulation of securities exchanges

•  Legal rights index


The Bad News:


The ANC  and their Unions have managed to fuck up things to the point where we now rank:


•  141/148 for Business costs of crime and violence

•  120/148 for Favoritism in decisions of government officials

•  101/148 for  Quality of electricity supply

•  144/148 for HIV prevalence

•  146/148 for Quality of the educational system

•  148/148 for Quality of math and science education


And we can thank the unions for the whopping results in the labour market:

•  142/148 for  Pay and productivity

•  144/148 for  Flexibility of wage determination

•  147/148 for  Hiring and firing practices

•  148/148 for Cooperation in labor-employer relations

If we consider the fact that the quality of our Math and Science education is now the WORST IN THE WORLD, the guys in the Unions will probably think that 148/148 is pretty good. After all it is 100%.


When the Unions in Marikana started all the shit, they also couldn't grasp the idea that if they kept striking for months on end, the mines they work for, which were already struggling with high production costs and low platinum prices, would end up firing loads of them.


Now they're striking because the mines are going to retrench thousands of their workers.


BAM! More lay-offs next year.


But what do you expect from a bunch of idiots who believe that smearing themselves with Muti from the local witch doctor will make them 'bullet proof'?


Once again, the ANC's policy of 'liberation before education' has paid off.

Notre site